Inclusive Music Workshops
Henry uses improvisation, songwriting, composition and music technology to create inclusive music workshops, inspiring a love of music. He offers a wide programme of educational activities for schools, and creates boutique workshops for different community settings.

Henry starts with the participants: everyone can make music, it’s just about how best to make it accessible and exciting to them. He also delivers CPDL to music educators on employing composition, songwriting and music technology in their teaching.
For Schools
Key Stages One & Two
Please click here to download our brochure of activities
Key Stages Three, Four & Five
Please click here to download our brochure of activities.
Example Workshops
Christmas Songs
December 2022 saw Henry visit a number of primary schools, creating Christmas songs with classes of Key Stage 2 children. The children listened to a variety of different Christmas songs, before thinking about how best to write their own. Together, they created their own lyrics and music. Henry’s songwriting workshops give the children the opportunity to try out various acoustic and electronic instruments, before the song is recorded at the end of the day with Henry’s state-of-the-art portable studio.
Watch a special performance of the song “Into the Light” at Huddersfield Town Hall
Into the light
Musica Kirklees, Kirklees’ Music Service, asked Henry to facilitate a Kirklees-wide songwriting project. Through a series of workshops, a diverse group of young people from four different secondary schools wrote a song together: a ‘post-lockdown’ anthem; a song of success, joy and freedom.
Subsequently, Henry recorded a ‘polished’ version of the song, as well as scoring it for myriad instruments. The song, ‘Into The Light’, was adopted by local primary schools, and performed by groups of children across the area, including at Huddersfield Town Hall in May 2023. It is a song both by and for young people.
Below you can hear the children’s original demo of the song, as well as the polished version which was sent out to schools and music centres across the region.
Kirklees Libraries
‘Sharing Stories Standing Strong’ was a project set up in collaboration between Kirklees Libraries and the Lawrence Batley Theatre, Huddersfield. Henry was one of six artists to be selected to work in libraries around Kirklees, bringing accessible, free, creative experiences to communities. Henry’s open-door music and songwriting sessions saw him facilitate collaborations between a huge range of people.
This workshop is brilliant! The children who took part thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were really proud of the Christmas song that they composed together – they are still talking about it weeks later! Henry caters for children of all ages with varying musical experience and makes the day a success for all involved. Parents loved receiving a recording of their child’s song, with many saying that it was “the perfect Christmas present”. Thank you so much for providing our children with such a wonderful and memorable experience.
Lorna Bowers (South Crosland Primary School)
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